April 1, 2024

1 Jan 1492 Jahr - 1492- Columbian Exchange


The Columbian exchange was the exchange of goods (especially foods) and culture between the New World and Europe. In addition to food, disease, new technologies, and even ideas were exchanged between the two continents. The diseases especially had a dramatic effect on the people. Each civilizations did not have the immune system and antibodies to fight against the new diseases, so especially in the New World, many lives were lost. For goods, some examples of foods that traveled from the New World to Europe are: tomatoes, potatoes, tobacco, corn, beans, avocado, peanuts, and peppers. Examples of food that traveled from Europe to the New World are: sugar, livestock, onions, grapes, coffee bean, and grains. This was significant as it changed the resources that were available in Europe, diversifying and enriching culture for the years to follow. The picture shows examples of some of the resources that were exchanged between Europe and North America.

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:


1 Jan 1492 Jahr
~ 532 years ago
