June 15, 2024

1 Jan 900 Jahr v. Chr. - Ostracon Receipt of Solomon's Temple


Archaeological Evidence for Solomon’s Temple
By Dr. Samuel Inbaraja Sundar, September 3, 2019

A ninth- to seventh-century BC receipt containing a Hebrew inscription describing three shekels of silver that were donated to Solomon’s Temple-literally the House (or Temple) of Yahweh” (Beyt Yhwh). The artifact has been confirmed for authenticity by independent sources, who have examined the pottery, ink, language, and even the patina-the microscopic microbial residue that covers most ancient objects.’ [1]

The “House of God” Ostracon is a similar text discovered covered in Arad (an ancient Jewish city in the Negev) among dozens of similar shards dating to the early sixth century BC. Arad served as a fortress of the Judean monarchy and an administrative center in the Negev for some 300 years (from the ninth to the sixth century BC). The text, written in ink by a professional scribe using Hebrew script, is addressed to “Elyashib” at Arad; in the text the “House of God” (presumably in Jerusalem) is mentioned. Besides the “Three Shekels” els” Ostracon, this inscription is one of the earliest archaeological finds referencing the Jewish Temple outside the Bible. [1]

These two evidences have the phrase ‘House of Yahweh’ pointing to the existence of the house of worship.

[1] The Popular Handbook of Archaeology and the Bible, Norman Geisler, Joseph M Holden

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:


1 Jan 900 Jahr v. Chr.
~ 2926 years ago