June 15, 2024

1 Jul 1848 Jahr v. Chr. - ANCHOR Sothic Rising 7th Yr


Gertoux, Gérard (2015). Moses and the Exodus Chronological, Historical and Archaeological Evidence

The Sothic rising, dated IV Peret 16 in year 7 of Senwosret III, can be dated c. -1850 by astronomy because at that time the Sothic rising took place July 11 in Thebes (longitude 32°39' E, latitude 25°42' N) and 15/16 July in Memphis (longitude 31°15' E, latitude 29°52' N), which fixes the heliacal rising of Sirius either in -1849 +/- 4 years in Thebes or -1865 +/- 4 in Memphis165. The arcus visionis should be 8.3° instead of 8.5° because c. -1850 the angle between the Sun and Sirius at its rising was a little higher than today.

It is possible to refine this dating using numerous lunar dates166 that span the 19 years of the reign of Senwosret III, followed by the 45 years of Amenemhat III and which fit according to the lunar cycle of 25 years (dates highlighted hereafter)167. They are offset by 1 day compared with those of Parker who translated the word "until" in an inclusive meaning and not exclusive168. The few irregularities prove that they are observed cycles and not calculated cycles169. The 19-year reign of Senwosret III precede the 45 years of Amenemhat III, his successor, without official co-regency170.

The lunar dates enable one to choose between Thebes and Memphis. The lunar cycle of 25 years starting at I Akhet 1 and the full moon171 on November 30, 1857 BCE, the Sothic rising of Year 7 dated in 1848 BCE is the only one located in a calculated area for Sothic rising (1849-1846). The one dated 25 years earlier (1865-1862) does not fit in the previous cycle (starting December 6, 1882 BCE), unless accepting 1 day of error on all lunar dates (lunar cycle of 25 years starting at I Akhet 2* in november 1871).

The Sothic rising of year 7 of Senwosret III coincided with a 1st lunar crescent (dated July 11, 1848 BCE), which may have been a remarkable event, worthy of notice (the IV Peret 1 coinciding with the full moon of June 26, 1848 BCE). The Sothic rising of Senwosret III was thus observed at Thebes. Astronomy fixing the year 7 of Senwosret III in 1848 BCE it is possible to date the 12th dynasty through the duration of the reigns...

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1 Jul 1848 Jahr v. Chr.
~ 3875 years ago