June 15, 2024

19 Mai 1373 Jahr - A form of gun is invented


A form of gun was invented in Nohan. This gun looked like a pole with a hole at the end. The soldier would load the gun with gunpowder and pieces of shrapnel. This would severely hurt enemy soldiers. But within a year the other kingdoms had figured out how to make the weapon. With multiple kingdoms able to make the weapon an arms race began. The gun quickly evolved into a weapon similar to the pole gun used by people of Java during the early 1400s. It then evolved into a gun similar to the Java arquebus used in the late 1400s. Then it evolved again into a gun similar to the Portuguese-Java Istinggar. (With this gun someone decided to cut the barrel smaller making the first pistol.) The gun evolved again and by the middle of the second half of the war it looked similar to the musket used in Medieval Europe. A Gondolin soldier had the bright idea to put a sharp thin spike attached to the end of the gun's barrel making the first bayonet. A Nohanen general decided to replace the swords used by cavalrymen with guns, making the first armed cavalry.

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:

1 Dez 2021


19 Mai 1373 Jahr
~ 651 years ago