July 1, 2024

1 Jul 1906 Jahr - Program: Two Poems by Qiu Jin


"Qiu Jin founded a popular magazine, Chinese Women's Journal, to promote women's liberation...For the first, which appeared on January 14, 1907, Qiu Jin wrote an editorial exhorting women to 'be the forerunners of waking the lion, be the vanguard of civilization, be the boat across the ford of confusion, be the light of the dark room, so that within the world of Chinese women a magnificent splendor will be released, to stir the hearts and dazzle the eyes of all mankind.'

Qiu Jin admonished women to rise up to free themselves by fighting for personal and economic freedom. She also urged them to unite in the struggle to save China—the struggle that always took precedence for her." (https://www.encyclopedia.com/women/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/qiu-jin-c-1875-1907)

During this time, she often commented on the dangers of protected and comfortable lives. While women were safe with their husbands and families, they were not free to make their own decisions. Tonight's opening set of songs uses poetry from this period of her life.

Autumn Begonia
by Qiu Jin (1875-1907)

My love, planted and watered together with rain and dew.
One shrub一clarity. Another shrub一density.
In this one life, I will not borrow power from the light of Spring.
Blooming on my own and fighting the night wind.
Rain and dew 一 no 一 power of Spring.

River of Blossoms
by Qiu Jin (1875-1907)

A brief stay in Peking, it is now again The Mid-Autumn Festival. By the fences, yellow flowers are blooming away the visage of autumn, as if freshly washed. Songs from all sides subsided and Chu is conquered. I savor the eight years of longing for Zhejiang (her home). I was bitterly enforced to be an opulent mistress of the House, but how I despise being that.

My female body may not stand up to the body of men. However, my heart is braver than men! In my life, my heart always warms for others but no one really understands me? A hero must meet hardship at the end of a road. Looking at this world, where shall I seek a soul-mate? My shirt is drenched in tears!

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1 Jul 1906 Jahr
~ 118 years ago