June 15, 2024

14 Okt 2001 Jahr - Persepolis


The film is presented in the black-and-white style of the original graphic novels.
The present-day scenes are shown in color, while sections of the historic narrative resemble a shadow theater show.
The design was created by art director and executive producer Marc Jousset.
The animation is credited to the Perse Prod studio and was created by two specialized studios, Je Suis Bien Content and Pumpkin 3D.

Marjane Satrapi grew up in Tehran where she attended the Lycee Francais (French high school).
She then studied in Vienna before she moved to France in 1994.
In Paris, through fellow comic book artists, she was introduced into the Atelier des Vosges,which is an artist studio that gathers major, contemporary comic book artists.
In Persepolis, published in October 2001, she described the Iraq-Iran war and her teenage years until she left for Vienna at the age of fourteen.
Persepolis 2, dealt with her exile in Austria and her return to Iran. Since then, she has published Embroideries (Broderies) and Chicken with Plums (Poulet aux Prunes). Persepolis is co-directed with Vincent Paronnaud, and is her first feature film.

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14 Okt 2001 Jahr
~ 22 years ago