June 15, 2024

20 St 9 Mai 2004 Jahr - Timothy lets James get devoured to be with Alicia. (Alone, Together - Mentioned)


- Day 295
- Alicia has been sick for almost a week.
- Timothy and James go out together in search of medicine. Timothy gets jealous of James and Alicia's relationship. He wants what James and Alicia have for himself and considers killing James just so he doesn't have to be reminded of his loneliness.
- Timothy gets several opportunities throughout the day, such as stabbing James while his back is turned but he can't bring himself to do it.
- They'd been out all day when it started to get dark so they head home. Timothy gets lost in thought, agonizing over all the time he was likely to spend over the next few weeks watching James and Alicia together while he was alone.
- Timothy and James discuss whether they should search one more house before they go back. Timothy sees the walkers, but James doesn't. James is quickly surrounded and screams for help. Timothy could go and help him fight them off but in a split second decision, he takes a step back and lets James get devoured. He immediately regrets it and wants to go and help but by that point it's too late and James is dead.
- When Timothy returns to Alicia alone, “They got him,” is all he has to say. Alicia recovers from her illness in a few days, without the medicine; she didn’t stop crying until much later.

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20 St 9 Mai 2004 Jahr
~ 20 years ago