June 15, 2024

17 März 1994 Jahr - Letter to Senator Nancy Landon Kassenbaum


Re: March 17 Memo. Letter to Senator Nancy Landon Kassenbaum from the Area Director of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Anadarko Area Office, Anadarko Oklahoma states that Mr. Sherman Yunghans' inquiry into the status of the Huron Park Cemetery and the potential for conversion to a gaming facility has been forwarded from Assistant Secretary Ada Deer's offices to his office for additional response. He encloses a general informational memorandum from his office to Mr. John Dalgarn, Realty Officer of the Miami Agency of the BIA and States that no action requiring the Bureau's involvement will occur without substantial documentation of consultation with various agencies and, most importantly, consent from the lineal descendants of individuals interred at the Huron Park Cemetery, as required in the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act of 1990. (WNK)

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17 März 1994 Jahr
~ 30 years ago