June 15, 2024

10 Jul 1776 Jahr - The Official Flag of Ichudzup is Chosen


The official flag of the Republic of Ichudzup is chosen. The flag, called Bash Æfed in Chontan and the White Stars in English, was created by Lieutenant Æduttima Chuzeti of the 16th Division in 1764 and was chosen among the Ichudzupian people in a vote that took place on Shatkavyæn 8, 1776.

The Symbolism of the flag was described by Chuzeti himself during the vote. The three five pointed stars each represent the three different types of governments Ichudzup (the country the flag is for) had in its history. Ichudzup was a monarchy, a union, and a republic. The six pointed star represents the six main heads of government that is currently present in the Ichudzupian Republic. The six pointed star also symbolizes the six nations that helped form Ichudzup. The white field represents the peace that came after the Ichudzupian War for Representation. The blue band symbolizes the people of Ichudzup and it also represents the ocean which is the strength of the Ichudzupian people.

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:


10 Jul 1776 Jahr
~ 248 years ago
