June 15, 2024

1 Jan 287 Jahr v. Chr. - Secessio Plebis


In 287 BC, the plebeians seceded for the fifth and final time. Lands confiscated from the Sabines during war had been distributed solely to the Patricians. Meanwhile the plebeian farmers, returning from those very wars, found difficulty in repaying debts incurred with these wealthy patricians. This time plebeians seceded to Aventine Hill in protest. To resolve the matter, Quintus Hortensius was appointed as dictator, who convinced the crowd to stop the secession.

Shortly afterwards Hortensius promulgated a law, the Lex Hortensia, which established that the laws decided on by plebeian assemblies (plebiscite) were made binding on all Roman citizens, including patricians. This law finally eliminated the political disparity between the two classes, closing the Conflict of Orders after about two hundred years of struggle. This event, although far from resolving all the economic and social inequalities between patricians and plebeians, nevertheless marked an important turning point in the history of Roman democracy as it gave rise to the formation of a new type of patrician-plebeian nobility (nobilitas) which, allowing continuity in the government of the republic, constituted one of the main elements of strength in its economic and military expansion.

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1 Jan 287 Jahr v. Chr.
~ 2313 years ago