June 15, 2024

1 Jan 1995 Jahr - Suzanne Thompson Knowles


In 1995, Suzanne Thompson Knowles, a Pierian club member, daughter of S.H. Thompson, Jr., and granddaughter of Dr. S. H. Thompson, approached The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art and inquired if they were aware of Henry O. Tanner ‘s connection to Kansas City, Kansas and inquired whether they had heard of the Pierian Club and the contribution of Tanner’s family to the cultural and religious life of Kansas City, Kansas. She asked if the museum would consider initiating a modest gesture to assist the Pierian Club observe its upcoming centennial celebration, and her telephone call sparked an entire community to the possibility of a major exhibition of Tanner’s work. Consequently, the event occurred and from June 25 through August 20, 1995, the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, in Kansas City, Missouri, displayed the world-renown works of Henry Ossawa Tanner.
Suzanne Knowles’ grandfather, Dr. S.H. Thompson, along with I.F. Bradley, B.S. Smith, John Waller, Corrvine Patterson, G.B. Buster, C.H.J. Taylor, were some of the individuals who frequented the Tanner home during his stay in Kansas City, Kansas.
The Fine Arts Building at Florida A&M University in Tallahassee, Florida, is named in honor of William P. Foster, America’s Band Master, a 1937 graduate of Sumner High School and a 1941 graduate of The University of Kansas and Henry Ossawa Tanner, Kansas City, Kansas connections.

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1 Jan 1995 Jahr
~ 29 years ago