June 15, 2024

1 Jan 1392 Jahr - 1392 │ IBN HUDAYL │ Kitab tuhfat al-anfus ... │ (MS)


Kitab tuhfat al-anfus wa'si'ar sukkan al-Andalus

"Gala of the Knight, Blazon of the Champion"

Abu-I-Hassan Ali ibn Abd-ar-Rahman al-Farazi al-Andalus, also known as Ibn Hudayl, was a 14th century Andalusian scholar and military theorist.

Ibn Hudayl wrote "Gala of the Knight, Blazon of the Champion" in 1392. It is a furusiya treatise which was abridged from a longer work that he produced in his youth. Despite being well-educated and coming from a prestigious Arab family, it seems his early work did not come to the attention of Muhammad V or VI (who he dedicated his work to), possibly owing to the situation the Emirate of Granada found itself in during the 14th century. During this time, there seems to have been more interest in non-military works, with a focus on the arts, coinciding with a moderate political status quo between Granada and the Christian Spanish Kingdoms.[2] This second treatise coincides with the coronation of Sultan Nazari Muhammad VII, and was probably composed in his honour. This was a time an increasingly military and deteriorating political situation in the Spanish Peninsula, and there was likely a greater demand for military treatises.

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:


1 Jan 1392 Jahr
~ 632 years ago