April 1, 2024

1 Jan 1922 Jahr - Mussolini becomes Italian leader


Benito Mussolini was an Italian politician and journalist who was also the leader of the National Fascist Party. From 1922 to 1943, he governed Italy as the prime minister and led the country until 1925; when he dropped the pretense of democracy and established a dictatorship as he was desperate for the trophy of political power.

- 2 causes: Benito Mussolini was desperate for political power, which is why he ended up leading Italy. He made it happen by dropping the pretense of democracy and establishing a dictatorship.

- 2 effects: Once Mussolini earned his power (as 80% of Italy approved of him before WW2), he reclaimed the Pontine Marshes which was originally land of Italy that was drained and reclaimed for Rome. With the reclaimed land, he made railroads, schools and bridges etc. which helped with unemployment. Despite this, Mussolini mainly had a negative impact on Italy and their society. No citizens could speak or think freely, and they could be at risk of being killed by the Black Shirts who created the fascist party. Even school students were forced to learn about Fascism. Once Mussolini died in April 2945, The nation was free of speech without having the risk of persecution.

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:

28 Feb 2020


1 Jan 1922 Jahr
~ 102 years ago
