June 15, 2024

14 Jul 1789 Jahr - Storming of the Bastille


de Launay was well armed with over 250 barrels of gunpowder and 30 cannons but he could not county on the full support of his men. Delegations were allowed in to speak with de Launay, who appeared to be a good host but as the day dragged on the crowd became more restless. By 2pm shots were fired and by 3pm deserters from the royal regiments had arrived with a cannon. De Launay threatened to blow up the Bastille and the surrounding area unless they accepted his surrender.
They did not but he opened the gates anyway (doh!). He was attacked by the mob, shot and stabbed, eventually his head was chopped off and carried on a pike. Over 90 Parisians had died and at least 70 were injured. That evening there were celebrations in the streets of Paris and may Parisians toured the cells of the Bastille.

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14 Jul 1789 Jahr
~ 235 years ago