June 15, 2024

9 St. 45 Min, 18 Jun 2004 Jahr - They set the herd on fire, making a terrible mistake. (Descent)


- Day 335
- It takes an hour to lay down the fire line, they choose a low-lying, rocky area north of Roosevelt State Park. They work quickly and silently, communicating mostly in hand gestures. They draw down a chalk line and then unfurl nearly a hundred yards of thick rope of absorb the flammables. Lastly they pour various accelerants along the line such as isopropyl alcohol, ethanol, gallons of old liquor and even the guts of old fireworks. The final step is to cover the line with kindling such as railroad ties and building timbers.
- By 9:45 AM they're ready and anticipate the arrival of the herd. They smell it before they can see it. The biters arrive right on time and Matthew prepares to ignite one end of the fire line with his makeshift detonator: a device jerry-rigged from a remote-control airplane found in a ransacked Woodbury hobby shop.
- He waits for the first biters to walk right on top of the line when he thumbs the ignition button, setting the whole line on fire. The biters quickly set alight and because the the methane gasses radiating off of them, the fire spreads much faster than expected and soon enough the whole herd is a walking inferno. They have made a huge mistake.
- Lilly has been checking the radio every fifteen minutes for a possible update but it's been silent all morning. Just when she leaves for a minute to go and pee, it blows up with Matthew's panicked voice. She answers the walkie-talkie and asks if everything is alright. Nobody is hurt but Matthew explains how they did the fire line and it's just made everything worse. The whole herd lit up and just carried on walking like they didn't even know they were burning. Some walkers will die or be immobilised, but a large amount will still make it to Woodbury by tomorrow morning.

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:


9 St. 45 Min, 18 Jun 2004 Jahr
~ 20 years ago
