June 15, 2024

23 St 17 Jun 2004 Jahr - Calvin strikes a deal with Lilly to help Meredith. (Descent)


- Day 334
- Lilly meets with Calvin in the railroad shed behind the courthouse. He offers a deal to her which she is initially confused about. He assures her that he and his son Tommy are strong backs which the town are going to need to help work. After a bit of hesitation and beating around the bush, Calvin confesses to Lilly that his wife is mentally ill and a liability. They've been kicked out of two previous settlements before.
- Lilly asks for the details. Calvin tells her that Meredith had a psychiatrist and was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and clinical depression. She was taking lithium in Augusta before the turn and it seemed to be helping, but since then she's attempted suicide twice. He thinks Bob can help her and they've got loads of medicine and people with training.
- Lilly calms him down and tells him that Bob is no psychiatrist, he fought in the Gulf War and as far as she knows, they don't have any lithium. Lilly agrees to help find the medicine Meredith needs. She was never good at saying no.

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:


23 St 17 Jun 2004 Jahr
~ 19 years ago
