June 15, 2024

15 St 17 Jun 2004 Jahr - Matthew and Speed discover a marijuana field, Meredith has a mental condition. (Descent)


- Day 334
- Well into the afternoon, Matthew Hennesey and Speed Wilkins go off the road after Bob's pickup truck got stuck in mud while on a supply run for fuel. They cross nearly three miles of access roads before pausing on a ridge overlooking a tobacco field. Matthew is the first to spot a deeper field of green in the distance of the field.
- Matthew asks for Speed's binoculars and gazes out into the distance. Excited that they've just hit the lottery, not fuel, but an entire field of marijuana. They admire the plants and smell the leaves before quickly searching for a makeshift pipe.
- Calvin and Meredith sit in a cluttered storage room in the rear of the Woodbury courthouse which Lilly gave them as a private room a few minutes ago. Calvin can see their three kids playing outside through a single window. Meredith doesn't want to stay as she thinks it's best for them and their kids if they keep moving. However Calvin believes the place was a gift to them from God. Meredith is convinced they'll be exiled when Lilly finds out about her condition and reminds Calvin about the KOA Camp.
- Calvin takes her hand and prays. Meredith joins in but he isn't sure if she's praying or mumbling something more personal and cryptic.

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15 St 17 Jun 2004 Jahr
~ 19 years ago
