June 15, 2024

17 Dez 1903 Jahr - First Controlled and Powered FLight by the Wright Brothers


This day was significant because it was a part of the industrial revolution and was the building block of aviation. The aircraft was improved and is now used everywhere. Aircraft are used for many purposes now, for good and bad, they are used to carry mail, take people around the world, but also for bad things such as fighter planes or bombers in wars.

If it weren't for the Wright brothers and their invention of the airplane we would not be able to travel the way we do today and it would certainly take us much longer than a day to travel to the other side of the world and it would not be as safe. They have helped change the world, mostly for the better.

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:

19 Feb 2020


17 Dez 1903 Jahr
~ 120 years ago