June 15, 2024

21 St. 30 Min, 22 Okt 2003 Jahr - Lee wakes up in a meat locker, Larry has a heart attack, Lee kills or spares Danny. (Starved For Help)


- Day 95
- Lee fades in and out of consciousness, witnessing Lilly and Clementine (if she ate the meat) throwing up.
- Lee, Clementine, Kenny, Lilly and Larry are trapped inside a meat locker with no escape. Larry furiously pounds on the door and screams to be let out. Lee wakes up and Clem rushes over to him. If she ate the meat, Lee will assure her that she's not going to turn. Everyone seems to be alright and Lee finds out their whereabouts. The St. Johns have Katjaa and Duck held hostage somewhere. Lee talks to Larry who has a go at him for always being a prick. He plans to be alive long after Lee's dead and promises to kill him if he turns.
- Lee looks at an air vent in the room and a pile of salt licks. Suddenly due to all the built up rage, Larry cripples and collapses having suffered a heart attack. Lilly rushes to his aid and performs CPR. Kenny, believing Larry to be dead remembers what happened earlier with the guy in the woods, how fast he turned and how hard he was to get off Katjaa. Larry HAS to have his brain destroyed or they'll be trapped with a massive dead guy. Clementine doesn't want to see and hides in the corner.
- The time has come for Lee to choose between siding with Lilly to help save Larry's life or siding with Kenny and preventing him from reanimating. Whoever Lee sides against will despise him for his choice. If Lee sides with Lilly he will help perform CPR on Larry so Kenny takes it upon himself to pick up a salt lick and drop it onto Larry's face, crushing his head to bits. If Lee sides with Kenny, then he'll help restrain a distraught Lilly while Kenny picks up the salt lick and pounds it onto Larry's head.
- Blood soaks the room while Clem cries on her own. Lee comforts her and worries about what witnessing stuff like this is going to do to her. He takes another look at the air vent and figures that one of the might be able to fit through it and crawl to the other side if they're able to get the grate off. The St. Johns took the multi-tool so Lee looks for an alternative.
- He remembers Larry mentioning that he keeps spare change in his pockets and asks Lilly for permission to "loot his corpse". He finds two quarters and a dime which he uses to successfully unscrew the grate from the ventilation shaft. They realise that it's too small of a gap to fit through, but Clementine volunteers herself to go through. The group waits in anticipation as Clem crawls through the vent and emerges out the other side. She quietly opens the door and tells them there's a man outside.
- If Lee helped Lilly then a hostile Kenny will march outside and risk getting them killed. Lilly asks to say goodbye for a moment. If Lee helped Kenny then Lilly will stay behind to grieve while Lee and Kenny sneak out together. They spot Danny keeping watch outside while ranting to himself. Lee takes either a hay hook, a mini cattle prod, or a sickle. If Lee sided with Kenny then they'll come up with a plan to take his gun. If Lee sided with Lilly then Kenny won't cooperate and will try going after Danny on his own.
- They leave the room and slowly approach Danny. Andy shows up and states that there are too many people to all keep alive. Lee and Kenny hide in a stall. Danny excitedly asks if he can pick who to keep alive, Andy says not the kid, because there's not enough meat on her to trade (it's possibly Danny had paedophilic intentions). Lee peeks out ever so often to keep tabs on Danny who is setting up a bear trap. Lee peeks out again to find Danny pointing his rifle in his face.
- He grabs Charlotte as Danny fires a shot. If Lee sided with Kenny then he'll help Lee fight against Danny. If Lee sided with Lilly then she'll show up and stab Danny in the shoulder. Danny is trapped in the bear trap and tells Lee that they can use him as meat now, but can't kill him or he'll become tainted. Kenny runs off to find Katjaa and Duck.
- Lee picks up a pitchfork and can kill or spare Danny. If Lee kills Danny, then he impales him in the chest which a horrified Clementine witnesses. If Lee spares him then he'll throw the pitchfork in the hay next to Danny and exclaim that this isn't how the world works.
- Lee hears Katjaa scream and runs off to find her while Lilly keeps Clem safe.

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:


21 St. 30 Min, 22 Okt 2003 Jahr
~ 20 years ago
