June 15, 2024

9 St 13 Sept 2003 Jahr - Sarah talks about her life before the turn, Sebastian returns wounded. (Part 8: The Calm) (Part 9: Revelations - Mentioned)


- Day 56 (10:00 CST)
- Sarah broadcasts over the radio while Sebastian is out on a supply run.
- Earlier they messed around with an old Polaroid camera and Sebastian seemed excited. She saw a side of him she hasn't seen before, a playful one.
- She mentions how the only reason she's still documenting the apocalypse over the radio is because of everyone out there who might be listening, she's doing it for them. She talks about how when she was eleven her parents died in a car accident, her grandma was a Voodoo Mambo in Haiti and convinced her she could talk to her parents from the afterlife. Sarah tried it and heard nothing, becoming an atheist after that.
- While out on a supply run, Sebastian runs into the marauder group, lead by the fifteen year old boy they ran into last week (see day 49). Sebastian single-handedly kills all the bandits, including the kid, however is wounded in the process.
- Sarah realises Sebastian has been standing in the doorway and asks him what he's doing. He then collapses from his injuries.

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:


9 St 13 Sept 2003 Jahr
~ 20 years ago
