July 1, 2024

11 Sept 2158 Jahr - The first flight of the Juno Mark I


Frustrated with bureaucratic red-tape and delays, Heinz Jakon and Mako Mouri, the two scientists leading the US's slip-space project, break the moorings of the experimental vessel Juno and escape dock from the US's main orbital construction yard. Even as defence cannons prepare to fire upon them, and to the utter amazement of all watching, the two scientists activate the crafts slip-space drive and disappear into a glittering hole in the fabric of reality. Panic seizes the personnel of the base as they attempt to understand what has just unfurled, yet no more than ten minutes later another hole is torn in the fabric of space-time, the vessel Juno broadcasting ecstatic success on every channel as it returned to dock. Subjected to a thorough debriefing, the two reveal that with their single jump, in the space of only a few minutes, the Juno had travelled halfway to Mars. Though their security clearance was most deservedly revoked, Heinz and Mako are secretly reassigned to the project, with ever greater resources being funnelled to them at an exponentially increasing rate.

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11 Sept 2158 Jahr
~ 134 years and 0 months later