June 15, 2024

20 St 24 Apr 2005 Jahr - Maggie mourns Glenn and makes a new friend. (Issue 109)


- Day 645
- Maggie mourns at Glenn's grave. A woman comes over to her and starts talking about how she got that nervous feeling when you're about to talk to someone at a funeral, how you're not sure what to say because 'how could I possibly relate to this person', though now everyone can relate because they've all suffered loss.
- She mentions that her husband died eight months ago (see day 402), her parents and siblings in the beginning, along with her daughter. And her boyfriend died a few weeks ago (see day 624). She jokes that they might be a year away from death feeling the same as stubbing your toe, it hurting and then being like it never happened.
- She apologises for the insensitivity and thinks they should just be able to talk about death without it being uncomfortable. She introduces herself as Brianna and tells Maggie that she's got people wanting to bury there dead here instead, as it was decided ages ago that they should cremate rather than bury.
- She excuses herself so she can buy eggs for her son. Maggie asks how old he is and tells her that her daughter is ten which surprises Brianna until Maggie explains that Sophia is adopted. They wish each other well and leave.

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:


20 St 24 Apr 2005 Jahr
~ 19 years ago
