June 15, 2024

8 St 13 März 2005 Jahr - Negan returns an unharmed Carl to Rick. (Issue 106) (Issue 107)


- Day 603
- Jesus explains that the Saviors have a 'killing field' around their wall. A collection of the dead set up as a defensive measure, they're impaled in the ground, chained to fences, some more mobile than others. Rick knows a way in which the roamers won't even notice them (see day 126 and 473). To everyone's surprise, Rick says he's just going to knock on their front door; Negan's not looking for a war and wants them to be submissive, so it'll be a big enough 'fuck you' to show him that they know where he lives.
- Just then Negan's cargo truck pulls up in front of them. Rick tells his group to follow his lead. Negan approaches them and comments on how convenient it is for them to meet here, as he was just on his way to see them. Rick tells him he was too, and Negan seems surprised he was going in the right direction.
- Rick demands to know where Carl is. Negan, in an effort to wind up Rick, says that Rick won't believe what he's done to his boy. Rick freaks out and attacks Negan, after a short fight, Negan gets the upper hand and holds Rick in a headlock. Rick bites Negan's arm and draws blood. Negan orders his men to bring out Carl who is unharmed and admits that it was his fault for trying to wind Rick up. Carl apologises for messing everything up but Rick is just thankful that he's safe.
- Negan explains that Carl murdered several of his men and he's returned him safe and sound, because if you follow his rules, he's a completely reasonable person. Negan gathers his men and leaves.
- Jesus tells Rick that despite how it sounds, Negan can be mostly reasonable if you follow his weird rules. Andrea thinks they should take a different route back before dark and try to find supplies.

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8 St 13 März 2005 Jahr
~ 19 years ago
