June 15, 2024

11 St. 30 Min, 11 März 2005 Jahr - Negan 'slides his dick down Rick's throat', Carl stows away. (Issue 103) (Issue 104)


- Day 601
- The Saviors load up everyone's mattresses into their lorry. Heath rushes Rick over to the infirmary where Denise is holding a Savior at gun point. Negan tells her that half of their medicine stockpile still remains. All the aspirin, penicillin and cold medicine still remains, but anything serious like morphine and OxyContin has all been taken. Rick orders Denise to lower the gun. He tries to talk Negan into letting them keep some of the serious stuff, however Negan reminds him that the deal is half, unless he wants them to go around and take some personal possessions too?
- Negan thanks Rick for their time and gets ready to leave. Before he goes he takes back Lucille and whisperers to Rick "In case you haven't caught on... I just slid my dick down your throat... and you thanked me for it." (see day 594)
- Denise asks Rick if this is some sort of joke and what the hell he's doing? Rick tells her that Negan is the one in charge now and the only way they're going to survive is by following his rules. He blows up and explains that he's not going to risk anyone getting them all killed and so anyone who wants to should leave right now. Nobody says anything. Rick orders a new supply inventory and says they need to be more than well stocked for when Negan returns.
- Rick goes home and calls for Carl to come down stairs so they can talk. There's no response. Meanwhile, Carl has stowed away in the back of Negan's truck and waits with Abraham's machinegun.

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:


11 St. 30 Min, 11 März 2005 Jahr
~ 19 years ago
