June 15, 2024

1 Jan 1839 Jahr - Tecora


Tecora was a Portuguese slave ship of the early 19th century. The brig was built especially for the slave trade although the transport across the Atlantic of human beings as slaves had already been outlawed by several nations in international treaties in the first decade of the 19th century. She was fast and maneuverable in order to evade British patrols that attempted to stop such illegal slave ships off the coast of Africa.

In 1839, a group of Africans were kidnapped from Mendiland (in modern-day Sierra Leone), and transported to the African slave port of Lomboko. There, a slave trader purchased about 500 of the Africans and transported them aboard Tecora to Havana, Cuba.

Since importing slaves into Spanish-controlled Cuba was illegal, the slave traders smuggled the captive Africans ashore at night in small boats. They landed them in a small inlet a few miles from Havana. Once on land, the slaves were placed in a barracoon, or a "slave pen".

Under Spanish law, once they arrived in Cuba in late June, the Africans were legally free. But they were fraudulently classified as Cuban-born slaves so they could be separated and sold. Two Spanish plantation owners, Jose Ruiz and Pedro Montes, bought 53 of the surviving Africans: 49 men, a boy, and three girls. Ruiz and Montes packed their cargo and the slaves on board the schooner La Amistad and set sail for their plantation at Puerto del Principe, Cuba.

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:


1 Jan 1839 Jahr
~ 185 years ago