June 15, 2024

18 Sept 2041 Jahr - Legalisation of G.M.H


"Genetical Humans" are legalized everywhere in the entire world and for everyone. Hospitals and Stores are opened everywhere so that people can buy and create their new perfect offspring! For a price between 5000$ to more than a million of dollars each person can create their own future baby without fearing any diseases, pre-matured death or handicap. Isn't that wonderful...? The population rate of most of the countries just exploded in few months! Handicapped or heavily ill peoples are finally able to live normally thanks to that new "technology". Changing literally some part of their ill body was something they wouldn't have been able to do months ago.... The market is really really promising and completely booming! The price of that new humanity might go down really quick with the quantity of demand.

Most of the big companies managers and political mans ordered hundreds and hundreds of those "Genetical Humans" with some of most perfect genes ever created. Those new comers gonna be the one who will help governments to manage their countries or will directly manage countries themselves.

At that point, the society was slowly but surely splitting in half: the normal failing and old humans and the perfect, wise, intelligent and predictor "Genetical Humans".

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18 Sept 2041 Jahr
~ 17 years and 0 months later