June 15, 2024

8 St 24 Feb 2005 Jahr - Rick prepares his group for a potential war with the Hilltop. (Issue 93)


- Day 586
- Rick gathers a group of all his most trusted people and tells them that they've got a man tied up in the infirmary who wants to negotiate a trade relationship with them that he doesn't buy. And there's a roughly two-hundred strong community who could attack at any moment. They keep this information between themselves as to not alarm anyone.
- Rick tells Abraham to get people to patrol the wall and stay low; Andrea to watch from the bell tower; Michonne to help Andrea get there and then help Abraham; Olivia to do an inventory check on ammo and weapons; Eugene to come up with alternative defence ideas in case they run out of ammo; and Denise to prepare the infirmary for possible patients.
- Olivia tells Rick that she did an inventory check not long ago and they are running pretty low.
- Eugene catches Rick and tells him that while he's still coming up with ideas, he knows that it's not entirely impossible for them to start making their own bullets. He just needs the right equipment and they need to start saving their castings. Rick tells him that's the best news he's heard all day and to update him when he's ready.
- Just before she leaves, Andrea catches Rick and tells him that while she knows he's just being cautious, this guy is offering supplies and making contact can't be easy. So what if he's telling the truth?

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:


8 St 24 Feb 2005 Jahr
~ 19 years ago
