June 15, 2024

15 St 5 Nov 2004 Jahr - Rick and Andrea check up on Carl, Abraham explains things to Holly. (Issue 87)


- Day 475
- Denise runs more checkups on Carl and tells Rick that "things are looking good". Rick asks for real news and wants to know when he's going to wake up. Denise is optimistic that he will but can't tell when as the extent of damage to Carl's brain is unclear, and he's young, which means the brain is still developing.
- Andrea tells Rick to take as much time as he needs and that she's going to be making dinner and would love for him to join.
- Abraham visits Holly who tells him that she hasn't 'seen' him in a few days, implying the two of them having sex. Abraham tells her that a lot has been going on recently and he hasn't had time to get away. Holly asks why he didn't tell her that Rosita moved out. He tells her he's dealing with a lot and needs a bit of time. Just before Holly goes to leave he stops her and tells her that when he was with Rosita he admired Holly for being independent and strong and was dying to be with her. But he feels so bad for making Rosita upset that he just wants to hold her and- Holly then believes Abraham wants Rosita back but he corrects her and says he just feels pitty for her and for him to feel good wouldn't be right just yet. He brings her inside.

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15 St 5 Nov 2004 Jahr
~ 19 years ago
