June 15, 2024

14 St. 30 Min, 3 Nov 2004 Jahr - Jessie, Ron and Douglas are devoured by walkers, Carl is shot through the eye. (Issue 83) (Issue 84)


- Day 473
- Abraham holds Rosita as she shakes.
- Gabriel prays but is cut off by Eugene who tells him the doors are solid so they're safe before asking for food.
- Aaron and Eric worry about being spotted by the herd.
- Holly hides on top of a roof outside.
- Douglas tries to shoot himself in the head but can't bring himself to do it.
- Andrea decides to go down to the streets and manually lure away the herd. The two groups will meet up six blocks down to lose the roamers and start again.
- Michonne apologises to Morgan after preventing him from reanimating.
- Rick hacks up the roamer's body while Denise rips up sheets to turn into ponchos. Michonne comes down and tells Rick that Morgan has died before asking how she can help. Denise needs to get back to her house but can't cover herself with the walker guts. Michonne volunteers to escort her there. Maggie and Sophia still decide to stay at home. Rick doesn't have time to convince her and hopes she's doing the right thing. Jessie and Ron gladly follow Rick's idea.
- Outside, Denise begins drawing attention so her and Michonne go on ahead. Ron pees his pants and they slowly start to head towards the front gate while holding hands in a chain. Douglas leaves his house in hopes of getting devoured. Shortly after setting off, Ron tells his mother that he's scared and wants to go back. Jessie tells him to quiet down and Rick says that he'll draw attention from the herd. Ron is then bitten by a walker on the shoulder and more start to tear into him as he screams for Jessie.
- Michonne and Denise run for the infirmary.
- Rick tells Jessie that she has to leave Ron because they can't save him but she continues to scream for him. Douglas witnesses Jessie getting torn apart by walkers among the herd. Jessie pleads to not be left behind and continues to hold onto Carl's hand. Rick tells her he's sorry and hacks off her hand to save Carl. Michonne starts to fight her way towards Rick and Douglas starts shooting wildly to save them all. Rick tells him to stop shooting or all the roamers will get drawn to them. Maggie cradles Sophia inside the house and Denise reaches her infirmary.
- Douglas continues to try and cover Rick and Carl but is bitten and subsequently devoured by the herd. He continues shooting as he is torn apart and when Rick turns around, he sees that Carl's right eye has been shot out.
- Rick picks Carl up off the floor and powers through the herd as his poncho is ripped off. He arrives at Denise's house and tells her to save a still breathing Carl's life. Denise has to use the electricity to keep the lights on which isn't going to be quiet. Rick tells her to keep him alive while he holds back the roamers.

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:


14 St. 30 Min, 3 Nov 2004 Jahr
~ 19 years ago
