June 15, 2024

18 St 30 Okt 2004 Jahr - Pete murders Regina in a fit of rage, Rick executes Pete. (Issue 77) (Issue 78)


- Day 469
- Scott is wrapped up, carried out of the infirmary and taken to the graveyard. Michonne hammers a nail into his head so he doesn't reanimate. Soon after, Abraham and Tobin arrive with shovels so they can dig the grave.
- Spencer finishes cooking dinner for him and Andrea. Soon after they spot Pete walking down the street with a knife.
- Heath objects to burying Scott straight away as now they have a preacher they can give Scott a proper funeral. Douglas doesn't want to remind people how dangerous things still are but Heath claims that Scott helped get half the stuff they have here and so he deserves it.
- Just then, Pete arrives on the scene. He tells everyone to kill Rick for him so he doesn't have to. After a short argument Pete pulls a knife on Rick. Regina steps forward and demands that Pete put down the knife but in a fit of rage he slashes Regina across the throat without hesitation. Douglas holds Regina in his arms as she chokes on her own blood. Spencer tackles Pete and holds him down, demanding to know what he's done while Pete claims it was an accident and not his fault. Rick points his gun at Pete and tells him he doesn't belong here.
- Douglas calmly tells Rick to "do it". And so Rick shoots Pete in the head.
- The gunshot rings out for miles and roamers start to make their way towards the sound. Derek's group hear it too and realise they're not far from the community. Derek decides to continue their search through the night despite Carlos and Sandra's protests.
- Despite Maggie's objections, Glenn goes out to see what the gun shot was about along with most of the community. Rick declares the incident a police matter and sends everyone back home before they know what's going on.
- Later that night, Rick checks on Jessie and Ron to ask if they're ok. Ron isn't taking the situation well as despite the abuse he loved his father. Jessie, however, is relieved which makes her feel ashamed.
- Rick asks Douglas if Pete can also be buried at the funeral which he is strongly against until Rick reminds him that Pete still has a son.

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18 St 30 Okt 2004 Jahr
~ 19 years ago
