June 15, 2024

1 Jan 1832 Jahr - White Church


White Church was founded in 1832 by the Methodist Mission Society which had appointed Rev. Thomas Johnson to build a mission church and serve the Native Reservation primarily inhabited by the Delaware. The mission was erected near a spring in a grove of trees. It was a log church that stood at the same location as the newer church does today. The frame was black walnut and the church was painted white so the Natives referred to it as “White Church.” The entire area thereby became known as White Church, Kansas. In 1844 the church was destroyed by fire and rebuilt in again with black walnut and exterior paint of white. Beginning in 1850 the land in the reservation was deeded by the government to Natives individually. Some sold their ground and soon the area began to be settled by Europeans. In 1870 a school district was established and a school was located near the church, called White Church School. The church and the school were both destroyed by a tornado in 1886. The next year a two-story school building was erected but it was not until 1904 that the church was rebuilt in its present day form. The new stone church has 21 stained glasses that include tributes to those who had been historically involved with the church including Moses and Anna Grinter. White Church is recognized as the oldest established church in the state of Kansas that is still in use. It owns and cares for the Delaware Indian Cemetery located west of the church. The first white settler buried at the cemetery was Isaac Mundy who was a delegate at the meeting where the provisional government of the Nebraska territory was established and William Walker was made the first provisional governor

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1 Jan 1832 Jahr
~ 192 years ago