April 1, 2024

1 Nov 475 Jahr - Sealing of the Metallic God


Understanding that other religions were taking over the original "religious" beliefs humans had for the real original gods, they decided to protect and seal the Metallic God in the confines of the Himalaya.

They didn't wanted that a powerful creation like the Metallic God falls into the hands of those manipulated, perverted humans completely blind by their religions and their desires of power and domination. Gods didn't cared about the consequences of this action: sealing the mind of humanity, the one who was protecting and possessing every knowledge and cultures and who was able to create what humanity desired will leave the humans even more vulnerable and influenceable.

However some gods decided to put a little divine spirit inside the Metallic God so...if one day, some well intentioned humans found it and decided to use it again, they won't need the approval of gods. The divine spirit will take this role instead. Gods took one useless divine spirit, the embodiment and collector of the Sacred Relics and Objects of Humanity. Gods will just need to create an other living being or divine spirit to protect those relics...

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1 Nov 475 Jahr
~ 1549 years ago