April 1, 2024

9 Jan 1732 Jahr - Life in Georgia - 1732


Originally, people who were poor and couldn’t pay their debts were thrown in to jail. A group of Englishmen decided that there should be a colony for poor people to live in instead of having to go to jail. In 1732, many adventurers followed James Oglethorpe, (who was the Governor of Georgia) with hope to find religious freedom. Although, some of the people who were in dept chose not to go to Georgia because people considered it unsafe and that life wasn’t easy there.

The founding of Georgia was important because it gave poor individuals a place to live, but there were some costs that came with that. Georgia was located between Spanish Florida and the rest of the British colonies. The king only approved of the Georgian colony being established because the Spardian individuals would attack Georgia instead of the New England colonies. The Georgian individuals were able to fight off all of the Spardians without any help from other colonies.

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:

19 Nov 2019


9 Jan 1732 Jahr
~ 292 years ago