June 15, 2024

1 Jan 480 Jahr v. Chr. - Battle of Thermopylae


Big invasion by the Persians by probably about 500,000 soldiers

Athenians sent an embassy to the Oracle of Delphi who told them to run, then told them "only the wooden walls will protect you" interpreted as their ships (or the walls of the Acropolis but all those people who tried that died) and EVERYONE got in those ships.

Realized they needed some time and reached out to the Spartans (but they were having their religious event again) so the Spartans found a loophole - king of the military (Leonidas) took 300 “bodyguards” to take a walk and gathered 4000 more men on the way.

They bottlenecked them at the Pass of Thermopylae (also placed 1000 soldiers at a secret way around that the Persians didn’t know about). Spartans held them off for 3 days until a local sold them out about the goat path and they slipped past the guards. Leonidas sent everyone home except the 300 Spartans and 700 Thespians and climbed the hill to have a defensive position, and they fought until every single one of them died.

Counted as a moral win.

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1 Jan 480 Jahr v. Chr.
~ 2506 years ago