June 15, 2024

1 Jun 1920 Jahr - St. Alban's, Cape Elizabeth


- St. Alban’s began life as a bishop’s mission for war-bound US Army troops in June 1914 at Fort Williams Park
- 1956 congregation celebrated first Eucharist in new church building on Shore Road
- Celebrated Centennial on June 22, 2014 (Saint Alban’s Day) at Fort Williams Park
- As of this year we are a parish of 300 families with three distinct worship services
8:00 AM Rite One Eucharist quietly said
10:00 AM Rite Two Eucharist with organ and choir
5:30 PM Celtic Eventide Eucharist with Celtic music
- We have a vibrant Church School with children ranging in age from Nursery to High School
- We have a wide range of outreach programs within and without the parish including:
Senior Residence Services
St. Elizabeth’s Jubilee Center
Preble Street Soup Kitchen
Long Creek Ministry
Family Promise

Our Staff consists of very dedicated parishioners: Our rector is The Reverend Timothy A. Boggs and our Associate Rector is The Reverend Holly C. Hoffmann, our parish administrator is Karen Tucker and we have just called a new Music Director, Joel Pierce.
St. Alban's has been stimulated by a year-long, parish-wide effort called “Enriching our Worship”. We have, through workshops, retreats, reflections, prayer and gatherings of all sorts studied and meditated upon what is powerful in our worship experience at all three Sunday services, while asking ourselves what refinements and enhancements we could create to better celebrate God's love and serve the needs of the people for prayer, communion and growth. We have re-discovered the centrality of our worship and identified a number of improvements that will be forthcoming, including a likely new pipe organ and children's choir.
It feels as if we are on the verge of turning a new corner in our corporate life and it will be more joyous, loving and committed to God.
Thanks be to God!

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:


1 Jun 1920 Jahr
~ 104 years ago

