June 15, 2024

13 St 18 Okt 2004 Jahr - Alexandria celebrates Halloween. (Issue 71)


- Day 457
- The children in Alexandria run from house to house trick or treating. Rick and Carl walk down the street and Rick tells Carl that he can throw together a costume in no time. Carl angrily exclaims that he doesn't want a costume because this is all stupid. Douglas asks the two if they're having a good time and tells Carl that his cowboy costume is cool, causing Carl to angrily run off to the next house.
- Rick tells Douglas that they were sceptical last night, however the community is warming up to them and that Douglas has achieved a remarkable thing by running this. Rick asks if it really is October 31st to which Douglas informs Rick that nobody was keeping track of the date at the beginning and after the walls were set up they picked a random date. Rick says that that's going to annoy him and there might be a way they can use the stars to figure it out. Carl returns with a handful of candy and tells his dad that the woman living there thought he was a cowboy too, he decides to storm off back home. Rick follows after him. Carl tells him that just because the roamers aren't visible doesn't mean they've gone away and that everything feels like its pretend. Rick tells him that he can enjoy himself and be a kid again, however Carl asks what will happen when they leave the community. Rick pauses before taking Carl home.
- Rick sits outside while Carl reads a book inside. He asks Douglas why they're doing Halloween during midday. Douglas tells him its scary for the kids at night. Douglas asks Rick what job Michonne should have as he couldn't decide on her, however he thinks she should join Rick as a police officer. Rick tells him that sounds perfect. Another person without a job is Andrea. Rick asks who their lookout is but Douglas tells him that they've not needed one as the wall has been enough but Rick tells him about how a place like this looks desirable from the outside and back when they lived at the prison, the thought of someone they didn't want getting in was a big concern, and eventually it happened (see day 331). Douglas agrees that Andrea should be their lookout.

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:


13 St 18 Okt 2004 Jahr
~ 19 years ago
