June 15, 2024

17 Jun 2017 Jahr - Isaiah 5-6 // Warning for Park


The Lord said, "Isaiah 5". Your words are of warning Lord, that you have done everything for this vineyard and yet it produces 'bad fruit'.
You asked me, "Compare me to my vineyard. Is there anymore I could have done?" No Lord! You have done everything! I don't know why they are bearing bad fruit.
Then the Lord said, "I will remove it's hedge, burn everything..." Lord, I prayed against this... that they would hear our cry fro focus on prayer and the spirit.
When I asked if you if I should speak to Dan about this you told me to wait.

When I reached out to Ruth she agreed that this is what you were telling her as well.
We both are in awe how the only reason we are investing in the Church is because you 'called' us and how that lightens the load on our shoulders as we aren't seeking our own glory.
Lord you clearly have an opinion that you have made very clear to me and to Ruth - Lord let our voices be heard! Set the captives free to worship you in TRUTH.

"What did you think of the sermon?" The Lord repeated.

"His words are not glorifying or true of you. It would be the same as saying, "I love being married to Donna. And my great hope is that one day people would see my joy in my suffering and would desire to be married to her as well!"

"That's right.... " says the Lord.

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:

29 Okt 2019


17 Jun 2017 Jahr
~ 7 years ago