June 15, 2024

1 Nov 2019 Jahr - Hindsight Is 2020


All the break downs needed to see the patterns exploited like child migrants in an internment camp. We are seriously f!@#'n up America.

I don't know about Russians... but I know what excuses sound like when someone locks their phone out using porn hub.

Every time an older person does something like getting scammed or phished on the internet they blame it on the system. Just ask Robert Muller. Meanwhile their like "what's a matter Millenials? Just go get a job and stop complaining"... They don't realize that most job applications are online now. I don't work because you spent my college money on a Mortan Doweny Jr. Video set on how to win friends and influence people by calling a spittune a blue vase and hiring people to smash up the local business to get a seat at the table.

Now you want us to live in your basement until you need us to change your diapers. What kinda messed up empty nest shit is that?

Published on May 13, 2019
As the trade war between the U.S. and China escalates, FRONTLINE and NPR take a look at what led to the rising tensions and what’s at stake.

“Trump’s Trade War” presents the inside story of President Trump’s gamble to confront China over trade. Reporting from the U.S. and China, FRONTLINE and NPR investigate what led the world’s two largest economies to the brink, and the billions at stake.

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1 Nov 2019 Jahr
~ 4 years and 7 months ago
