June 15, 2024

11 Jun 2018 Jahr - Former CIA man Ray McGovern warns about CIA sanctioned torture in NATO nations & black sites


Published on Jun 11, 2018

Former CIA -man Ray McGovern, who served under seven American presidents, tells us about American black sites in Europe and warns us about the new boss of Langley.

Romanian Embassy in London: "The Government is currently assessing in a very serious manner the European court’s findings, which will constitute the topic of inter-institutional exchanges for a comprehensive evaluation.

As already stated in our written and oral pleadings, the national authorities have fully cooperated with the various international fora where the topic was raised, offering information and answers.

We remain firmly attached to the principle of respect for human rights and reiterate our belief that the death penalty should be universally abolished and that the prohibition of torture should not be restricted or ignored not even in the harshest circumstances.

After the ECHR’s judgment will remain final, the national authorities will take all possible measures, on different levels, to execute this judgment and the Government will continue to will continue to closely collaborate with all domestic competent authorities in order to identify and implement the demarches needed for this execution."

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11 Jun 2018 Jahr
~ 5 years and 11 months ago
