June 15, 2024

11 Apr 2016 Jahr - Colorado protest planned after Trump loss


Donald Trump raised a stink after Texas Sen. Ted Cruz won 34 delegates in Colorado over the weekend, calling the system “rigged.”

"They are going absolutely crazy (in Colorado) because they weren't given a vote," Trump said on Fox on Monday. "It's a crooked deal."

Colorado Republicans had canceled a straw poll and held a caucus-type process that culminated at the state convention Saturday.

Now a group in Colorado is planning a protest on Friday outside the state GOP headquarters.

“We will exercise our right to assemble and peacefully protest the corruption of the Colorado GOP and disenfranchisement that we the voters have sufferend (sic),” the group, Colorado Votes Matter, said on Facebook.

A social media post on the state party’s Twitter account – which has since been deleted – didn’t help matters. “We did it. #NeverTrump," the post read.

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11 Apr 2016 Jahr
~ 8 years ago