June 15, 2024

20 Feb 2012 Jahr - Regan met Lord Nimmo Smith to define the terms of reference for the Judicial Panel that in April ruled on charges that Craig Whyte had brought the game into disrepute. Despite non-payment of VAT/PAYE tax being part of the supporting evidence for charges against Craig Whyte that the JP DT considered in April,Whyte’s failure to pay the wee tax liability, that he had given a written public undertaking to do in June '11 as part of the agreement to purchase Rangers, does not form part of the charges


An output of Lord Nimmo Smith’s endeavours under the terms of reference, presumably agreed solely between him and Regan on or about 21st February, was an Inquiry report whose findings but not the report itself were presented to the JPDT.
Although better informed as a result of his conversation with Andrew Dickson on 6th December 2011 in respect of the unlawfulness of DOS EBTS, where HMRC were pursuing the non-payment of proper tax under PAYE terms, SFA CEO Stewart Regan met Lord Nimmo Smith on Feb 2012 to decide the Terms of Reference for the Judicial Panel Disciplinary Tribunal charging Craig Whyte with bringing the game into disrepute. Somehow the charges (on page 50 Disciplinary Charge 4) neglected to mention Craig Whyte’s failure to meet his undertaking in June 2011 to pay the £2.8m tax bill arising from unlawful use of DOS EBTs, yet referred to charges on other taxes not being paid.

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20 Feb 2012 Jahr
~ 12 years ago