June 15, 2024

14 St 17 Okt 2004 Jahr - They arrive at their new home: The Alexandria Safe-Zone. (Issue 69) (Issue 70)


- Day 456
- The vehicles pull up to a walled off area. The armed gunmen open up the gate and they enter the community. Aaron congratulates Rick for making it here. As they drive inside, Carl is amazed at how everything looks inside the safe-zone. Rick smiles to himself for the first time in a long while.
- They park next to a group of other vehicles to the right of the gate. Aaron gets out and tells Rick that he's going to explain to Douglas and the others that they're here. Douglas will want to interview them all as a part of the process. Rick gets out and explains this to Abraham who believes it will take forever and comments on how weird all of this is. Rick watches a group of children play with a ball, one of them has a black eye which gets Rick suspicious.
- Aaron returns and tells Rick that Carl will be able to make a lot of new friends here and be a kid again. Douglas, their 'leader' is ready to interview Rick first. Rick enters a house and calls for Douglas. The house is well kept and clean with posh furniture. A man comments on how it must be weird seeing a house again that hasn't been ravaged or looted or burned. The man introduces himself as Douglas Monroe and invites Rick to take a seat.
- He explains that the majority of what decides if you live here is what Aaron and Eric see before they make contact, for example: how are woman and children treated? Are you looking for food or drugs? How do you treat each other? Et cetera. Douglas explains that he was a congressman and democratic representative from c-span and starts to ramble, he catches himself and they shift the conversation back to Alexandria. He explains that he was in the open for three months before arriving at Alexandria, during that time he killed two living men.
- He tells Rick a story he read online from before the outbreak. It's about a man from Florida who ate his son's eyeballs while under the effect of drugs. The quote from the boy still haunts Douglas to this day. The point of this story was to remind Rick that evil has existed long before it came in the form of the dead, but now it has only gotten worse as the crazy roam free, unchecked. Rick's group have roughly fourteen months of experience outside and are equipped to deal with almost anything which amazes Douglas.
- He asks Rick what he did before the outbreak and upon hearing that Rick was a police officer, reassigns him that job (as long as Rick is fine with it). He asks if Rick is capable of doing it with his disability, in reference to his missing hand, to which Rick assures Douglas that he's capable. They finish their interview and Rick thanks Douglas for welcoming them into Alexandria.
- Rick leaves and sends Andrea in for her interview. Aaron tells Rick that the others have gone for showers and he should go get one before the hot water runs out. Rick panics when he can't see Carl anywhere until Aaron calms him down and points to Carl and Sophia who are playing with the other kids. Rick asks him about the showers.
- Andrea is welcomed by Douglas who begins asking her questions. She tells him that she's pretty damn good with a gun to the point of it being almost ridiculous. He asks if she's single but plays it off as if its so they can plan out housing arrangements.

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14 St 17 Okt 2004 Jahr
~ 19 years ago
