June 15, 2024

11 St 17 Okt 2004 Jahr - Rick, Abraham and Aaron go into the streets of D.C. to rescue two supply runners. (Issue 69)


- Day 456
- They stop off at a gas station for supplies. Carl and Sophia are delighted at the site of a few Twinkies. As they approach South Washington Rick falls asleep.
- Andrea wakes him up when their vehicles stop in a highway. Aaron says this is as close are they're going to get to the capital so they stopped to take a peek. Roamers roam the streets below them which Rick believes to be a safety hazard but the community has precautions. A flare is set off into the sky. Aaron tells them they have supply runners who only fire them off if they're trapped or injured and they need to go in a rescue them.
- Rick insists on going with him. Eric stays behind with the group and Aaron requests Abraham to come along too in case they need to carry someone, they take the van.

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:


11 St 17 Okt 2004 Jahr
~ 19 years ago
