June 15, 2024

19 St 15 Okt 2004 Jahr - A man named Aaron approached the group, the survivors agree to join his community. (Issue 67) (Issue 68)


- Day 454
- Rick asks Abraham if he's still pissed about Washington. He is but more at himself than Eugene because he led many people to their death just to get here. He murdered people because they were stealing food. Rick tells him not to dwell on it because he will go crazy.
- Rick thinks they should still go to Washington, for food at least. If the cities were infested with roamers first then that's the most likely place to still have food. Just then a man approaches the two with his hands up and asks to speak to their leader. He introduces himself as Aaron and explains that he doesn't have any weapons and just wants to talk. Rick and Abraham share a 'seems like an ok guy to me' look before Rick punches the man and knocks him unconscious. They tie him up.
- Aaron wakes up surrounded by the group. He assumes that Rick's the leader then and asks to just talk. Rick asks how many people are in his group and Aaron explains that there's around thirty-four but he isn't sure. They're in a community on the other side of D.C. about twenty miles away. Rick asks why Aaron is here if he lives so far away. He explains that he's a recruiter; he was only spying on the group to make sure they were good people, he knows they're running low on food and this community of his has stockpiles of the stuff along with high secure walls and room for all of them. Rick wants to know what they all get out of inviting strangers into their place. Aaron explains that there's a lot of work to be done and each of them have a skill set which will help enrich the community.
- Just then Sophia screams as a roamer gets dangerously close to her. Carl shoots it at pointblank range. Andrea tells them to be more careful when Michonne notices the rest of the roamers emerging out the woods. The group jump into action while some of the others stay safe on top of the truck. Aaron is still tied up and almost gets killed by a roamer before Glenn jumps down to save him. Michonne saves Morgan who misses a couple shots on the roamers. Once they're all dead the group calms down. Glenn and Aaron had also cleaned up some roamers attacking from another side. Glenn gave Aaron a gun because he was in the moment and didn't know what do do. Rick is concerned because the gun is an assault rifle.
- Aaron swiftly returns the gun to Glenn and asks if they're all up for his invitation. Rick dismisses the question and tells everyone they'll stay in this spot tonight with more lookouts. They'll deal with the community in the morning.
- Michonne wants to discuss this now. Aaron is nothing like the Governor so she believes this place can be trusted and they all have a free invitation to it. If they don't go then they have no purpose. Eugene, Gabriel and Maggie agree to go. Abraham and Rosita are next to decide, then Morgan, then Carl and Rick. They get some sleep for the night.

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:


19 St 15 Okt 2004 Jahr
~ 19 years ago
