June 15, 2024

17 Apr 1993 Jahr - Lorenzo, Manuel, and Marcos tree incident.


Lorenzo, and two brothers, Manuel and Marcos are friends that live in the same trailer park near the highway. On the other side of Carl’s property from the tree, now mile marker 14. Carl and his wife would yell at them when they cut through the property..The tree is the only “Big” tree around and they like to go there and hang out and watch cars.
One of them sees something metal in a prairie dog hole. They try to dig it out but it’s trapped under roots/rocks. Manuel and Marcos convince to steal his brothers truck(Brat) in the dead of night. They try a chain around the parts of the object’s fins, the other side to the truck using a tree branch as leverage Lorenzo drives forward to yank it out as Manuel and Marcos stand near. An intense sound and Lorenzo stops the truck to see Marcos, Manuel and the tree missing. He stashes the truck back at home. Is questioned by the police a few days later, but is too scared to say what happened.

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17 Apr 1993 Jahr
~ 31 years ago