June 15, 2024

1 Jul 1957 Jahr - Winston's plane crash


Crazy Winston builds ethergy device...begs Carl to steal the keys to his father’s crop duster. Construction on highway comes through his property. Bulldozers are nearing the area where the tree was left in the planter. Winston steals the plane in the afternoon, Carl watches from his porch. Sees something fall from the plane near the construction. Winston, infuriated that his device did not detonate, snaps/crashes the plane into the hills, dies. That night, after the police have left the farm after questioning him and his parents. Carl sneaks out to the construction site at night. Finds the device hidden out of sight in the hole Winston had dug for the tree. Carl plants the tree on top of the device to hide the evidence...not smart but he’s only 11 years old. Carl keeps the whole thing a secret. Carls father buys what wasn’t seized by government close to the tree and hills.

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1 Jul 1957 Jahr
~ 66 years ago