June 15, 2024

10 St 4 Sept 2004 Jahr - Dale explains himself to Andrea, they plan to confront the Hunters. (Issue 65)


- Day 413
- Dale asks how he got back. Andrea tells him he was brought here. Dale wants to immediately evacuate everyone because they don't know what these people are capable of.
- Andrea asks him why he didn't tell her he was bitten. He apologises and explains that he saw his wife waste away and die in an ugly process and didn't want her to see him like that. He questions her on whether she would be able to put him down without hesitating one second.
- She hugs him and confesses how much she loves and adores everything about him. And she won't hesitate to pull the trigger when he goes.
- Rick comes in to ask Dale some questions. He tells him where he is, in a church, and explains that they're going to go after the Hunters. Dale tells him there's about five of them held up in a garden somewhere. He didn't see any cars and one of them was going off to spy on them all. Dale wants to speak to Rick when he comes back, Rick will make sure of it and wants to hear what he has to say.
- Abraham and Michonne inform Rick that they have about three days worth of food left and need to start rationing. Rick tells them to do it and takes Abraham with him to find Gabriel.
- Gabriel tells them that there are about five neighbourhoods within walking distance of the church. When carrying Dale however that should realistically be around three possible places, assuming they don't have a vehicle like how Dale said. Abraham agrees to go after the Hunters once Rick explains all they know and they start planning. Gabriel agrees to show them the way there.

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:


10 St 4 Sept 2004 Jahr
~ 19 years ago
