June 15, 2024

20 St. 33 Min, 15 Okt 2018 Jahr - Debate


. In the only debate, on October 15th, we see McSally continue to highlight her tenacity, but we also see a significant difference in how the two candidates portrayed themselves. McSally came off angry while Sinema remained calmer through the night. McSally used her angry to amplify her attacks and to create an emotional base to counter Sinema. In many ways we saw her acting in ways we see Trump has gathered support from using emotional politics taping into individuals fear. McSally moved away from the center to embrace some of the large imagery aspects of Trump such as the building of the wall. Similar to Trump, McSally relied on negative emotions to try to build solidarities that centered around fear, exclusion, and anger. Emotional politics has become front and center in a profoundly divided country, yet it was interesting to see McSally play into the emotional base while trying to carry with her both a female and military persona. This mix of the identities help rally the conservative support but it is still unclear if it was able to get enough of the registered Republicans out to vote.

The final weeks of the Democratic strategy saw Sinema doubling down on the focus on health care. Simena avoided the more emotional and controversial topics including immigration and the caravan, similar to her avoidance earlier in the campaign of the Brett Kavanaugh nomination. Sinema used the same strategy that won many of the Democratic flipped seats of constant redirection of the conversation to health care and avoidance of more split topics. Sinema focused on her voting record of reaching across the aisle and the central issues of health care to attempt to lure the swing voters to vote Democratic in a historically Republican state. The democratic party knew they would not need to do much to get those who opposed Trump to the polls, that base had been riled up already and was ready to continue to show their disapproval via their vote. The support that was needed was those who saw the president as more of a mixed bag and importantly still believed in parts of the Republican agenda. This focus seemed to have worked, highlighted by the voter diff between Sinema and Garcia who lost the governor’s race to Republican candidate Ducey. Over 150,000 people voted for Sinema but not Garcia showing that she did pull some of the more moderate voters. As the final votes are counted, it will be interesting to see how many registered Republicans voted this split ticket.

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:

16 Dez 2018


20 St. 33 Min, 15 Okt 2018 Jahr
~ 5 years and 8 months ago
