June 15, 2024

14 Apr 1841 Jahr - the deerslayer


written by james fenimoore cooper, tells the tale of natty bumpo, a wild american hero in contrast to the european man at the time. Tells the story of Bumppo and his capture/escape from the Huron Indians
Cooper depicts the ideal traits of the American man, one who is rugged, quick-witted, honest, and courageous
America vs Europe
men/women vs gentlemen/ladies
Cooper glorifies the American frontier and its uniqueness
Cooper was the first prominent writer to give Natives the title of ‘noble savage’
In order to not ignore the people who identify with nature the most
Natty Bumppo was thought to be the ideal American man
Sumac dislikes Natty because Natty killed Sumac’s husband
Rivenoak and Panther (the two Huron chiefs) thought that they could make a deal with Natty and say that he should marry Sumac and take care of her children
Natty refuses this because he says that he would never marry someone of a different race

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14 Apr 1841 Jahr
~ 183 years ago