June 15, 2024

1 Jan 1919 Jahr - Winnipeg General Strike


Was a strike that took place in 1919 in winnipeg and calgary concerning the vast profits that owners and bigwigs of companies were making after the first world war and the labour class was working with poor work conditions and low wages the labours joined together to form the “One Big Union” to protest and strike for rights for workers in canada.

The Winnipeg general strike was an event that took place for multiple weeks starting on May 1st, 1919, when metal workers went on strike. This prompted many other workers to go on strike until almost all the workers in Winnipeg joined the strike, effectively shutting down the city. For the duration of the strike all the workers formed together to form the “One Big Union”. The government was quickly forced to intervene and the strike ended on June 25th as many strikers had been wounded, arrested or killed throughout their protests. This strike was prompted by large companies with poor working conditions and large companies involvement in the first world war. This displays a shift to the left as it was similar to people attempting to uprise against Laissez-faire economics as they did in Europe, the workers wanted the government to intervene and create more adequate working conditions.

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:


1 Jan 1919 Jahr
~ 105 years ago
